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Service Request

Contact Network Operators

Network Operators can be contacted to provide advice on the specific requirements for compliance on their network.

Get in Touch

If you require assistance with general RIW enquiries, using the RIW System or card related issues, then the RIW Service Desk can help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

1300 101 682

Alternatively, please log through a Service Request using the Service Request option via Contact Us.

Authorised Health Professionals

Find an Authorised Health Professional

Use this search facility to find a local Authorised Health Professional (AHP). Note that some AHP’s will take advantage of the direct upload capability, enabling them to speed up the process by loading medical results directly into the RIW System.

Practice name
Doctor name
Download full list of Authorised Health Professionals
Practice name Doctor’s name Suburb/City Category Direct Upload

AHP Program for the Rail Industry

The AHP Program provides a low maintenance and easily accessible directory of participating Authorised Health Professionals. Workers who require a medical assessment can search the AHP Program website for their closest participating AHP, who can conduct a medical examination that will be accepted by participating RIW organisations.

The AHP Program is mandatory as of the 11th of November, 2024, and has been created to provide national consistency and transferability across the rail industry by the Australasian Railway Association and Rail Industry Safety Standards Board (RISSB). It is the responsibility of the Network Operator to appoint and manage delegated Chief Medical Officers.

Only those AHP’s who have completed training and assessment as delivered by a recognised Chief Medical Officer will be displayed in the AHP list.

To become a registered Authorised Health Professional, click here.

National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers

The National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers underpins the system for monitoring the health of rail safety workers in Australia. The national standard enables a consistent application of health standards across the rail industry.

Network Operators have a responsibility to minimise risks and protect the safety of the public, workers and the environment. Rail operators endorse selected doctors and health professionals to undertake medical assessments. All health assessments for rail safety workers are conducted in line with the current edition of the National Standard.

The National Standard was developed in consultation with industry, rail unions, rail safety regulators and health professionals to provide practical guidance for rail transport operators for managing the risks posed by the ill health of rail safety workers.

The National Transport Commission (NTC) reviews the National Standard every three years. The 2017 Standard came into effect on 1 February 2017 and applies to all rail transport operators and to all rail safety workers in Australia.

A new National Standard and subsequential processes will be implemented from the 11th of November, 2024.

AHP Training

How to become a registered AHP (for existing AHP’s)

1. Schedule the initial CMO briefing through the CMO Training Dates page.

2. Once the CMO briefing is completed, the CMO will inform the AHP Program, triggering an invitation to be sent to the AHP.

3. The AHP registers for the program, pays the membership fee, and gains access to online assessment.

4. After completing the online assessment, the AHP will be listed as approved and receive the AHP Program Welcome Pack.

* At this point, the AHP will update or confirm practice details.

5. Twelve months after the membership fee is paid, the AHP will be notified to renew their membership and complete the online re-accreditation.

How to become a registered AHP (for new AHP’S)

New AHP onboarding commences Monday the 11th of November, 2024. Further information on how a medical professional can become an AHP will be communicated in the following weeks.

Keith ADAM Sonic HealthPlus Brisbane CBD QLD
Brisbane 4000
1300 588 440
Armand CASOLIN Sydney Trains NSW
Sydney 2000
02 8575 0495
Brisbane 4102
1300 546 632
Tim DREW Jobfit SA
Wayville 5034
08 8177 6800
David JONES Sonic HealthPlus Brisbane CBD QLD
Brisbane 4000
07 3055 5971
Maria MAZAHERI Aurizon QLD
Brisbane 4000
07 3019 1818
Hamilton 4007
Melbourne 3000
Hamilton 07 3339 6000
Melbourne 03 9453 2834
Mark SPEARPOINT Sonic HealthPlus Hobart TAS
Hobart 7000
03 6281 4000
Wembley 6913
08 6298 8400
June SIM Southbank Central WA
South Perth 6151
08 9367 2800
Stuart TURNBULL Sonic HealthPlus Flagstaff VIC
Melbourne 3000
03 9224 8398
Thang VUONG Corporate Health Group Pty Ltd SA
Mile End 5031
08 8354 9800
Chris WALLS KiwiRail NZ
Auckland 1351
+64 9 524 4137
Craig WHITE Sonic HealthPlus Perth Airport WA
Perth Airport 6105
08 9230 0200

AHP Registration Process

Authorised Health Professionals must meet specific selection criteria which focus on the health professional’s knowledge and understanding of the rail occupational environment. To register:

Step 1 – Talk with the relevant rail Network Operator in your state.

Step 3 – Complete the new online E-Learning assessment. The authorised Chief Medical Officer (AHP Trainer) during training will take your first name, surname and email address and provide it to the RIW Service Desk for E-Learning enrolment. Your E-Learning link will be emailed to you.  

Step 4 –Once the online assessment has been completed, fill in the AHP Registration/Login/Delete/Update Details Service Request at with your clinic name and contact details, which will be used to update the AHP Master list.  This is done weekly.

Step 5 – Watch our Video System Walk though for Authorised Health Professionals or refer to our AHP Knowledge Centre for instructions on how to use the RIW System.

Partners of the AHP Scheme

Australasian Railway Association

The ARA is the peak body for rail in Australia and New Zealand, representing all sectors of the rail industry. The ARA owns the Rail Industry Worker Program (RIW), working with the program service provider Metro Trains Australia (MTA). The ARA oversees the national list of endorsed Authorised Health Professionals.

Rail Industry Safety Standards Board

The Rail Industry Safety Standards Board (RISSB) works with industry to provide training materials to ensure that medical professionals are trained against the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers.

Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator

The Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR) is an independent body corporate established under Rail Safety National Law. The primary objectives of ONRSR are to encourage and enforce safe railway operations and promote and improve national rail safety. ONRSR states that rail transport operators must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that workers must be of sufficient health and fitness to carry out work safely. ONRSR reminds industry that it is the responsibility of the rail transport operator to determine whether a health professional is qualified to conduct rail safety worker health assessments.

National Transport Committee

The NTC is an independent advisory body that provides quality, impartial advice and national land transport reform proposals to government through the Transport and Infrastructure Council. The NTC reviews the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers every three years.

System Access Rules

System Access Rules

The Rail Industry Worker (RIW) System is operated by Metro Trains Australia Pty Ltd (MTA).  Your access to the RIW System is subject to the following system access rules:

  1. You must keep your access credentials (including your username and password) secret and not share those credentials with any other person.
  2. You must only access and use information on the RIW System for properly authorised purposes as part of the RIW Program. For rail operators and other organisations that are authorised participants in the RIW Program, this includes using information accessed on the RIW System for safety, workforce and worksite planning, procuring resources, training, and reporting purposes. For authorised health professionals, this includes using information accessed on the RIW System for conducting health and fitness for work assessments.
  3. You must keep all information you access on the RIW System strictly confidential and must not use that information for any purpose other than as set out above or in accordance with the System Access Rules referred to below.
  4. You must take reasonable steps to ensure that any information you enter or upload to the RIW System is accurate, complete, up-to-date, relevant and is not false or misleading.
  5. You must promptly notify the RIW Service Desk on becoming aware of any error in the RIW System or any breach of these system access rules.
  6. You must comply with any additional instruction or direction given by MTA, as the RIW Service Provider, in relation to your access to or use of the RIW System.
  7. Where applicable to the activities you are carrying out on behalf of your employer, you must comply with the RIW Privacy Protocol (a copy of which is available at

Information contributed to the RIW System will be managed in accordance with MTA’s Privacy Policy for the RIW Program (a copy of which is available at and other applicable privacy and security requirements.

I acknowledge these rules.

Terms and Conditions

Legal Terms & Conditions

Your use of the RIW or myRIW System and participation in the RIW Program will be subject to the following legal terms and conditions:

Company Registration Terms & Conditions (together with the accompanying RIW Privacy Protocol) sets out the basis for rail operators and other organisations working in the rail industry may participate in the RIW Program.

RIW Privacy Protocol sets out the privacy requirements and standards applicable to the use of the RIW Program and RIW card.

RIW Privacy Policy sets out Metro Trains Australia’s policies on the management of personal information for the purposes of the RIW Program. The RIW Privacy Policy has been designed to comply with the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles made under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

System Access Rules are the software rules which are agreed by a RIW System User prior to system use. Additionally, further System Access Rules have been designed with additional instructions for the following RIW System user roles:

Permission Access Agreement (PAA) sets out the basis upon which individual Rail Industry Workers (RIWs) may apply for and use a RIW card.  The PAA also explains how information about RIWs is collected and used for the purposes of the RIW Program.  Each RIW will need to accept the terms of the PAA to activate a new RIW card.

Other – Some aspects of the RIW Program (such as identity verification or competency training services) may be delivered by a third party rather than by Metro Trains Australia, and may be subject to additional legal terms and conditions imposed by that third party. Where this is the case, we will clearly explain this and will ask you to review and accept the additional terms and conditions before proceeding.

Company Registration -Terms and Conditions

Company Registration – Terms and Conditions

Effective Date: 28 June 2021

1. Introduction

1.1 Welcome to the Rail Industry Worker Program, a competency and safety management system that aims to establish a cohesive, national approach to competency and safety management for employees and contractors working in the rail industry (the “RIW Program”).  The RIW Program aims to minimise the risk of untrained personnel carrying out work on the Australian rail network and to enhance safety awareness, by allowing the Australasian Railway Association (“ARA”) members and participants in the Australia rail industry, to view relevant information concerning Rail Industry Workers (RIW) posted within the system as this Agreement permits.

2. Terms of Use

2.1 The RIW Program is owned by the ARA. Metro Trains Australia Pty Ltd (collectively, “Our”, “Us”, “We” or “MTA”), operates the RIW Program for the ARA using an online database system through which RIW information can be uploaded and verified, and which is also accessed by RIW Participants and includes all relevant user interfaces, services and upgrades of the system (the “RIW System”). MTA operates the RIW System through the website at or the mobile version thereof (together the “Site”).

2.2 Please read the terms of this Agreement carefully before using or continuing to use the RIW System or the MTA Services. These terms contain important information regarding your legal rights, remedies and obligations. You agree that all MTA Services and use of the RIW System will be used by You for business, employment and commercial purposes only.

2.3 Your use of the MTA Services and the RIW System is governed by the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. If You do not accept the terms of this Agreement by ticking the box when registering your company or other legal entity in the RIW System, You will not be permitted access to the RIW System and cannot use the MTA Services. By proceeding to use the RIW System or the MTA Services, You are deemed to have read and accepted the terms of this Agreement.

2.4 You are entering into this Agreement on behalf of a company or other legal entity. You represent that You have the authority to bind such entity and its affiliates to this Agreement, in which case the terms “You” or “Your” shall refer to such entity and its affiliates. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you must not accept this Agreement and You may not use the RIW System or the MTA Services. If You do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, You should immediately leave this Site and may not use the RIW System or the RIW Program.

3. Entire Agreement

3.1 Subject to clause 3.2, this Agreement represents the entire agreement between You and Us in relation to your access to and use of the Site, the MTA Services and the RIW System. This Agreement supersedes any agreement, contract, arrangement or understanding that exists between You and Us and which is related to or is in connection with the RIW System and formed before you entered into this Agreement.

3.2 Where a RIW Participant has entered a RIW Contract with MTA, the terms of this Agreement do not apply.

3.3 To the extent permitted by law, all conditions and warranties, statutory or otherwise and whether express or implied that relate to the provision of the MTA Services or the operation of the RIW System, are hereby excluded other than that expressly herein contained.

4. Definitions

4.1 The following definitions apply to this Agreement:

(a)        Additional Services means the services set out in Schedule 1 – Part B; 

(b)        Agreement means this agreement as varied from time to time;

(c)        Cardholder Fees means the fees you agree to pay in exchange for You and Your Employees having access to the RIW System;

(d)        Content has the meaning ascribed to it in clause 10;

(e)        Consortium means a project delivered by a RIW Participant organisation with other entities, who may or may not be a RIW Participant, and where the consortium has an ABN/ACN (i.e., is the direct employer of a RIW);

(f)        Employee refers to any employees or agents of a RIW Participant who accesses the MTA Services and/or Site on behalf of a RIW Participant;

(g)        Head Contract means the Rail Industry Worker System Services Agreement between the ARA and MTA;

(h)        MTA Services means the services described in clause 7.1.

(i)         NRIWGC means the National Rail Industry Worker Governance Committee;

(j)         Rail Industry Worker or RIW means any individual working on a controlled Worksite who applies for or is issued a Rail Industry Worker Card for the purposes of working on a Worksite;

(k)        Rail Industry Worker Privacy Protocol means the annexure to this Agreement, which is incorporated by reference and is available at ;

(l)         RIW Card means Rail Industry Worker identification token, which could be either a physical card or virtual card which contains data linked within the RIW System for the purposes of identification and information checks;

(m)      RIW Cardholder means a person who holds a RIW Card;

(n)        RIW Contract means a contract for services that has been entered between a RIW Participant and MTA pursuant to Schedule 4 of the Head Contract;

(o)        RIW Participant means a company, business entity or other person which seeks to engage, employ or contract rail industry workers that are suitably qualified and experienced to perform services that meet its labour requirements.

(p) RIW Program means the online competency and safety management system for Australian rail workers. It is owned and endorsed by the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) and operated by Metro Trains Australia Pty Ltd.

(q)         RIW Service Desk means the service desk accessible by RIW Participants requiring assistance in using the RIW System;

(r)         You and Your refers to, and includes, You, both individually, as an Employee of an RIW Participant using or accessing the RIW System, as well as the RIW Participant you represent;

(s)        We, Our, Us,or MTA refers to MTA and its subcontractors; and

(t)         Worksite means a site or location where a RIW Participant requires Rail Industry Workers to perform rail safety work.

5. Variation

5.1       MTA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or delete portions of this Agreement at any time with 30 days’ prior notice. If we change the terms of this Agreement, we will post the changes to this Agreement on this Site 30 days’ prior to their effective date and will indicate at the top of this page the date these terms were last revised.

5.2       In the event that the terms of this Agreement are varied, you will have the opportunity to review the revised terms. Unless you take steps to opt out of using the RIW System by terminating your subscription, Your continued use of the MTA Services or the RIW System after the effective date of any such changes, constitutes your acceptance of the new terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to abide by these or any future terms of this Agreement, do not use or access (or continue to use or access) the MTA Services or the RIW System.

5.3       If you choose not to accept the varied terms of agreement, You can opt out of using the RIW System by confirming with the RIW Service Desk via email at

5.4       It is your responsibility to regularly check the Site to determine if there have been changes to this Agreement and to review such changes.

6. Payment

6.1       You agree to pay consideration to purchase MTA’s Services or use the RIW System.  New users of the RIW System will be granted access to the RIW System upon accepting the terms of this Agreement when registering the RIW Participant in the RIW System.

6.2       Cardholder Fees payable by You, and any renewal fees payable, are determined using the pricing table set out in Schedule 1 – Part A. Pricing is determined by the number of RIW Cardholders that you employ as at 28 May each year. Payment of Cardholder Fees entitles you to use the RIW System, the Site and receive the MTA Services referred to in clause 7.1.

6.3       The method of payment for Cardholder Fees (and subsequent renewal payments) will depend on the classification of your user account. RIW Participants with Pay on Account facility may elect to pay the Cardholder Fees on account (payable 30 days from date of invoice). All other accounts are required to make a direct payment of Cardholder Fees at the time of registering the RIW Card in the RIW System and annually thereafter. RIW Card renewal fees will be payable on the anniversary of the initial registration of the RIW Card in the RIW System.

6.4      You will be permitted to use MTA Services, the Site and the RIW System upon MTA receiving confirmation that the terms of this Agreement have been accepted by the RIW Participant, or where You are deemed to have accepted this Agreement pursuant to clause 5.2.

6.5      MTA will notify you up to three (3) times when Cardholder Fees are due for renewal. Notice will be provided to you using the contact details that you have most recently advised to us. It is your obligation to keep your notice details current.  You will be further notified when Cardholder Fees have expired.

6.6      All RIW Cards must be renewed before their expiry. You will be charged for renewal of all RIW Cards applying the fees in Schedule 1 – Part A. You acknowledge that RIW Cards are paid for in advance for a full year. No refund will be provided to RIW Cardholders who have paid for a renewed RIW Card but are unable to utilise it.

6.7      Where an RIW Participant does not have any paid active RIW Cardholders for a period of 3 months, the RIW Participant’s access to the RIW System may be suspended.  The RIW Participant will need to contact the RIW Service Desk to request reactivation of their access to the RIW System and the process for renewing or adding RIWs to the RIW Participant’s account in the RIW System.

6.8      Additional Services may be procured from MTA. Charges will be determined and be payable in accordance with Schedule 1 – Part B.  

6.9      If your user account information changes, you must as soon as possible provide updated details in the RIW System via your user account or by contacting the RIW Service Desk.

7. MTA Services

7.1      MTA operates the RIW System on behalf of the ARA. Registration of the RIW Participant in the RIW System, plus payment of Cardholder Fees entitles you to receive the following services from MTA:

(a)        processing and verifying individual competency certificates;

(b)        processing, producing and distributing RIW Cards. For the avoidance of doubt, RIW Card renewals are to be paid for using the pricing in Schedule 1- Part A;

(c)        providing access to the RIW Knowledge Centre ( for self-guided user training;

(d)        offering 24/7 RIW Service Desk support;

(e)        providing system reporting; and

(f)         ongoing access to the RIW System.

7.2     You acknowledge that MTA does not generate the data, information and records contained within the RIW System.

7.3     MTA reserves the right to change, modify, suspend or discontinue all or any portion of the Site or any of the MTA Services, in its sole discretion, with 30 days’ prior notice. MTA may also impose limits on certain features or restrict Your access to parts of or the entire Site or the MTA Services in its sole discretion and without notice or liability.

7.4     MTA may change the fees payable by You for the MTA Services where agreed in consultation with the NRIWGC. You will be notified, in writing, at least 30 days before any increase in fees beyond the then current pricing. This Agreement (including the changed pricing) will remain in effect unless You deliver written notice of termination to Us within 30 days following such notice.

8. Additional Services

8.1     MTA offers a range of additional services that You may procure to support your organisation’s use of the RIW System. Additional Services available are set out in Schedule 1 – Part B.

8.2     MTA may engage subcontractors to provide the MTA Services and operate the Site and the RIW System (“Third Party Services”). To the extent permitted by law, MTA assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for Third Party Services provided to You.

9. User Licence

9.1     In consideration for the Cardholder Fees you pay Us, You are granted a limited non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use the RIW System (“User Licence”). Your User License extends to use of the RIW System by Employees authorised by You to access or use your User Licence. You are responsible for the use, or misuse of your login credentials by any party, whether or not that user is authorised by You to use your login details. You may not use login credentials to access the RIW System from outside Australia or New Zealand.

9.2     Your login credentials may be restricted from accessing certain materials otherwise available on the RIW System.

9.3     Your User Licence is subject to your compliance with this Agreement and does not permit use of any data mining, robots, scraping or similar data gathering or extraction methods. Such unauthorised use is a direct violation of this Agreement and may also violate applicable laws including copyright, trademark, privacy and data protection laws.

9.4     Unless explicitly stated herein, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as conferring any license, right or ownership of intellectual property rights, in the Site, the RIW System or the MTA Services, whether by estoppel, implication or otherwise. Your User Licence is revocable at any time without notice and with or without cause.

9.5     Your User License is subject to the following restrictions and prohibitions. You may not:

(a)       copy, print (except for Your own archival purposes in connection with your authorised use of the MTA Services), republish, display, distribute, transmit, sell, rent, lease, loan or otherwise make available in any form or by any means, all or any portion of the Site or any Content retrieved from it;

(b)       use the Site or any Content obtained from it to develop, or as a component of, any information, storage and retrieval system, database, information base, or similar resource (in any media now existing or hereafter developed), that is offered for commercial distribution of any kind, including through sale, license, lease, rental, subscription, or any other commercial distribution mechanism;

(c)       intentionally or recklessly upload to the RIW System, information that is knowingly, inaccurate, incomplete, false, misleading or deceptive, or remove, delete or falsify any information and records from the RIW System or amend any information and records stored within the RIW System to make that information and those records, misleading or deceiving;

(d)       use any Content from the Site in any manner that may infringe any copyright, intellectual property right, proprietary right, or property right of MTA or any third parties;

(e)       remove, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any software or use any network monitoring or discovery software to determine the Site architecture;

(f)       use any automatic or manual process to harvest information from the Site;

(g)        use the Site for the purpose of gathering information for or transmitting unsolicited Content; or

(h)       use the Site in a manner that violates any applicable law, rule or regulation including without limitation, those regulating privacy, data protection or spam email.

10. Content

10.1    You understand that all information, data, records, text, software, graphics, messages, tags, or other materials (“Content”), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, are the sole responsibility of the person from whom such Content originated. MTA does not control or create the Content posted on the Site, and does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, completeness, sufficiency or quality of such Content.

10.2    You are responsible for obtaining any consents required to send Content to another RIW Participant or RIW Cardholder and You agree to ensure that transmitting Content to a recipient will at all times comply with applicable laws and not contain any abusive or offensive material.

10.3    You agree that we may suspend or withhold your ability to transmit Content if we reasonably believe that you are in breach of this Agreement including, without limitation, in relation to misuse of transmitting Content or breach of the warranties set out in clause 12.

10.4    Under no circumstances will MTA be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any Content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred because of the use of any Content posted, accessed, downloaded, used, transmitted or otherwise made available on the Site or through the MTA Services.

10.5    You acknowledge that MTA may or may not pre-screen Content, but that MTA and its designees shall have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to pre-screen, refuse, or remove any Content that is available through the RIW System. Without limiting the foregoing, MTA and its designees shall have the right (at MTA’s sole discretion) to remove any Content that violates the terms of this Agreement or is otherwise objectionable.

10.6    You agree that You must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use of any Content, including any reliance on the accuracy, integrity, completeness, sufficiency or quality of such Content. In this regard, you acknowledge that You may not rely on any Content created by MTA or submitted to MTA.

10.7    You acknowledge, consent and agree that MTA may access, preserve and disclose Your account information and Content if required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that such access, preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to:

(a)        comply with legal process;

(b)        enforce this Agreement;

(c)        respond to claims that any Content violates the rights of third parties;

(d)        respond to Your requests for customer service;

(e)        protect the rights, property or personal safety of MTA, its users and the public; or

(f)         investigate complaints or reported violations of this Agreement and to take any action We deem appropriate, including but not limited to reporting any suspected unlawful activity to law enforcement officials, regulators, or other third parties and disclose any information necessary or appropriate to such persons or entities.

10.8    User Content includes all Content that You may upload or submit to MTA in connection with Your use of the RIW System. You are entirely responsible for all User Content that You upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available through the Site or the MTA Services. You shall be solely responsible for your own User Content and the consequences of submitting such User Content.

10.9    You acknowledge that at this expiry of the term of the Head Contract, MTA will be obliged to migrate Content or data stored in connection with the RIW System, to the ARA’s nominated successor operator of the RIW Program. You agree to allow MTA to transmit or migrate any Content uploaded by You to the RIW System to the ARA and/or its nominees and to permit access to and use of that information by the ARA.

10.10    You grant to MTA, a non-exclusive, transferable, royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable license and right to use, modify, copy, reproduce, transmit, sub-license, index, model, aggregate, publish, display and distribute Your User Content to provide MTA Services to You and all other RIW Participants.

10.11    Where you are posting personal information concerning a Rail Industry Worker, you confirm that you have obtained the worker’s consent to do so and have provided the worker with a copy of MTA’s privacy policy.  You must ensure that any information that you post concerning a Rail Industry Worker is, to the best of your knowledge, true, correct, complete and not misleading in any respect.  You will be solely responsible for the information you post or that is posted by your employees or authorised representatives.

11. Proprietary Rights

11.1    MTA (and its licensors) shall own all right, title and interest, including all related intellectual property rights, in and to the MTA Services, the RIW System and all of the underlying technology, software, analytics, and concepts, and Content provided on the Site (but excluding Your User Content), any models, methods, algorithms, discoveries, inventions, modifications, customizations, enhancements, extensions, derivatives, materials, ideas and other work product that is conceived, originated or prepared in connection with the MTA Services or related to this Agreement.

12. Your Representations and Warranties

12.1    You represent, warrant, and covenant that:

(a)       You are entering this Agreement in Your professional capacity for trade, business, or professional purposes only and not for your personal, family, or household purposes;

(b)       the payment account information You have provided to Us is for an account established and used solely for business or commercial purposes, and is not used for personal, family, or household purposes;

(c)       You have the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement and to comply with its terms;

(d)       You will use the RIW System for lawful purposes only and in accordance with this Agreement and all applicable laws, regulations and policies; and

(e)       You have taken reasonable steps to confirm that the User Content that You provide is truthful and accurate and You have the right to provide such information.

12.2   You agree not to:

(a)       upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that is false, misleading, unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

(b)       use the MTA Services or Site to impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise misrepresent Your affiliation with a person or entity;

(c)       remove any proprietary notices from the Site or the MTA Services;

(d)       use MTA Services or the Site for fraudulent or unlawful purposes;

(e)       attempt to decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or hack the Site or the MTA Services, or to defeat or overcome any encryption technology or security measures implemented by MTA with respect to the Site or the MTA Services, or any of the MTA Services and/or data transmitted, processed or stored by MTA;

(f)       change Your User Account information to include any credit card or bank account that is established by You primarily for personal, family, or household purposes;

(g)       upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that You do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements);

(h)       upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;

(i)       upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail”, “spam”, “chain letters”, “pyramid schemes” or any other form of solicitation;

(j)       upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;

(k)       interfere with or disrupt the Site, the MTA Services, or servers or networks connected to or operated with the Site, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to or operated with the Site;

(l)       use the Site or the MTA Services to intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable law, rule regulation;

(m)       use the Site or the MTA Services to “stalk” or otherwise harass another; or

(n)       use the Site or the MTA Services to collect or store personal data about other users in connection with the prohibited conduct and activities set forth above.

13. Your Confidentiality Obligations

13.1   Your obligations under this Agreement apply in addition to your obligations arising under the Rail Industry Worker Privacy Protocol. 

13.2   In this clause 13, Confidential Information means any and all information to which You are given access or receive regarding:

(a)        Any Rail Industry Worker;

(b)        any another RIW Participant; and

(c)        this Agreement, including without limitation, the services provided by MTA and the fees payable by You. 

13.3   You shall not use or disclose any of Our Confidential Information for any purpose other than for Your legitimate internal business purposes as necessary to realise the benefits of the MTA Services offered by Us to You.

13.4   You acknowledge that in using the RIW System, you will have access to personal data relating to Rail Industry Workers. You agree that any personal data that you obtain through the MTA Services or use of the RIW System will be treated with strict confidence and that you will use the same degree of care that You use to protect Your own Confidential Information.

13.5   You will limit access to Our Confidential Information to those employees and personnel who need that access for purposes consistent with realizing the benefits of the MTA Services and using the RIW Program as offered by Us to You.

14. Indemnification for Third Party Claims

14.1   You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless MTA and Our officers, directors, members, managers, employees, agents, successors and assigns from and against all losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, actions, judgments, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs or expenses of whatever kind, including reasonable legal fees and the cost of enforcing any right to indemnification hereunder and the cost of pursuing any insurance providers (“Loss”) arising out of or resulting from any third party claim, suit, action or proceeding in connection with Your use of the MTA Services, the Site or the RIW System, including, but not limited to, any third party claim, suit, action or proceeding arising out of:

(a)       Your use of the RIW System, or any Content obtained from the RIW System which relates to such third party or a Rail Industry Worker or a RIW Participant; or

(b)       such third party accessing the Content provided by You in connection with Your use of the RIW System.

14.2   You agree to indemnify us for any costs and expenses we incur in having to investigate the deletion or deliberate misrepresentation or falsification of records stored within the RIW System and the costs and expenses we incur in the restoration of deleted, misrepresented or falsified records and data.  

15. Limitation of Liability

15.1   To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event will MTA be liable to You for any loss of use, revenue or profit, indirect or consequential loss, any exemplary, special or punitive damages whether arising out of breach of contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, regardless of whether such damage was foreseeable and whether or not we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.  

15.2   To the maximum extent permitted by law, MTA’s aggregate liability arising from or in relation to this Agreement shall not exceed the Cardholder Fee paid by or due from You in the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the event giving rise to such liability.

15.3   Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, MTA shall not be deemed to be in default of any provision of this Agreement, or be liable to You or to any third party for any delay, error, failure in performance or interruption of performance due to any act of God, war, insurrection, acts of terrorism, riot, boycott, strikes, interruption of power service, interruption of internet or communications service, labour or civil disturbance, acts of any other person not under the control of MTA or other similar causes.

16. No Warranties

16.1   You acknowledge and agree that MTA makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, We specifically disclaim all implied warranties, and guarantees or representations imposed by law, including those relating to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose non-infringement, accuracy, correctness, completeness or correspondence with description and any warranty, guarantee or representation arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade practice.

16.2   All services provided by MTA hereunder are performed and provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, exclusive of any warranty whatsoever.

16.3   MTA is not responsible for and hereby disclaims any responsibility or liability regarding the accuracy, integrity, completeness, sufficiency or quality of the Content obtained from the Site.

17. Dispute Resolution

17.1   If a dispute arises out of or relates to this Agreement, neither You or Us may commence any proceedings relating to the dispute unless the following has first occurred:

(a)       A party claiming that a dispute (the Dispute) has arisen out of or in relation to this Agreement must give notice (the Dispute Notice) to the other party to this Agreement specifying the nature and details of the Dispute.

(b)       On receipt of the Dispute Notice, the parties must endeavour in good faith to resolve the Dispute expeditiously and, if necessary, involve the senior executives of the parties directly in the negotiations. Each party to bear its own costs that it incurs in complying with this clause 17.

(c)       If the parties do not resolve the Dispute within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Dispute Notice (or such other period as agree to in writing by them) then the parties must refer the Dispute for mediation by the Australian Disputes Centre Ltd (ADC) for resolution in accordance with the Mediation Rules of the ADC.

(d)       If the Dispute is not resolved under clause 17.1(c) within 30 days of submitting the Dispute to mediation, then:

i)       either party may initiate proceedings in a Court; or

ii)       if agreed by the parties, the Dispute can be submitted to arbitration in which case the Arbitration Rules of the ADC will apply.

18. Notices

18.1   All notices issued by You in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered by registered post to:

Metro Trains Australia Pty Ltd

Attention:  Company Secretary

Level 16, 700 Collins Street


18.2   Your notice addresses for such purposes shall be those addresses You provide to Us in Your User Account profile.

19. Miscellaneous

19.1   MTA and You agree that this Agreement shall be governed exclusively by the laws of Victoria. MTA and You agree to submit exclusively to the jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria.

19.2   MTA and You are independent contractors to each other. This Agreement does not create a partnership, franchise, joint venture, agency, fiduciary or employment relationship between us. You may not assign or delegate Your rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of MTA.

19.3   MTA may assign its rights under this Agreement including without limitation, in connection with the sale of MTA, whether by merger, asset sale, stock sale or otherwise.

19.4   MTA may perform the MTA Services through third party contractors.

19.5   Any provisions of this Agreement which are intended by their nature to survive termination or expiration shall so survive, including without limitation, Your obligations to indemnify Us, the limitations on MTA’s liability, the confidentiality obligations herein and the governing law and venue provisions shall survive termination of Your subscription.

19.6   Headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and will not be used to construe or interpret any provision hereof.

19.7   This Agreement is the entire agreement between You and Us regarding Your use of MTA Services and the Site and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, proposals or representations, written or oral, concerning its subject matter.

19.8   Any provision of this Agreement that is held to be wholly or partially invalid, illegal or unenforceable will be deleted from this Agreement to the extent that it is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

19.9   This Agreement will not be more strongly construed against either party, regardless of who is more responsible for its preparation.

20. Supplemental Terms

20.1   The terms of this Agreement are applicable for all users of the Site and MTA Services. Below are links to supplemental terms, which are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. You agree to be bound by the terms of the RIW Privacy Protocol.

Name of Attachment Attachment / Link
MTA Privacy Policy
Rail Industry Worker Privacy Protocol

Schedule 1 – Pricing Table

Part A – Cardholder Fee payable by RIW Participant (organisations)

All RIW Participants must pay the Cardholder Fee that accords with the number of RIW Cardholders primarily employed by the RIW Participant. Cardholder numbers will be assessed as at 28 May each year.

Service Number of RIWs

(as determined by the number of active cardholders an organisation has as their Primary Employees on 28 May each year)
Total Price

(Per Card)

(Excl GST)
Total Price
to 2025/2026

(Per Card)

(Excl GST)
Payment Terms
Annual RIW Card Fee

(payable annually on the anniversary of the initial registration of the RIW card)
Level 1 (>2000) $ 40.00 $ 40.00 At time of transaction
Level 2 (1000-1999) $ 50.00 $ 50.00 At time of transaction
Level 3 (500-999) $ 75.00 $ 75.00 At time of transaction
Level 4 (400-499) $ 100.00 $ 100.00 At time of transaction
Level 5 (300-399) $ 120.00 $ 120.00 At time of transaction
Level 6 (<299) $ 120.00 $ 130.00 At time of transaction
Additional – ID Check Fee N/A $ 15.00 $ 15.00 At time of transaction
Additional – Supply of New Card Fee

(Plus the applicable RIW Card Fee plus the ID Check Fee (if ID Check is required))
N/A $ 55.00 $ 55.00 At time of transaction
Additional – Supply of Replacement Lost or Damaged Card N/A $ 85.00 $ 85.00 At time of transaction
Additional – Card Reissuance at 5th Anniversary

Card reissuance required at the anniversary of the initial registration of the RIW in the RIW Program which is immediately prior to the 5th anniversary of the issue of the Card by Us. This requirement is due to the fact that the Cards must not exceed 5 years in circulation due to the life expectancy of a smart card. No ID Check is required at the 5th anniversary, however, they are required on the 10th anniversary on the issue of the second new Card.
N/A $ 55.00 $ 55.00 At time of transaction

Part B – Additional Services

Service Description Unit Total Price Notes/Comments
Additional / Optional Items
1. System Training for users, site champions, IT support Per Day $ 1,250+GST Fee Payable: When onsite/face to face training is required it is charged at $1250 per day + GST + travel expenses which will be payable within 30 days of the date of the invoice.

Fee Not Payable: Online training for the named user types is free.
2. Database and Software Configuration Per Day Charged at developer rates Fee Payable: Bespoke functionality approved by the NRIWGC will be charged at developer rates payable within 30 days of the date of the invoice.
3. Hardware Installation Per Day As agreed between the RIW Participant and MTA Fee Payable: Future hardware procurement will be facilitated between the RIW Participant and MTA directly. Fees will be payable within 30 days of the date of invoice.
4. System Administration on any RIW Participants Worksite Per Hour $130+GST Fee Payable: The fee payable for any off site support requested by new RIW Participants (including Consortiums or Joint Ventures) or for new sites. Fees will be payable within 30 days of the date of the invoice.
5. Senior Developer Per Hour $200+GST Fee Payable: Fees will be payable within 30 days of the date of the invoice.
6. Developer Per Hour $175+GST Fee Payable: Fees will be payable within 30 days of the date of the invoice.
7. Rights to access the Data

From time to time the ARA may request (for itself or on behalf of RIW Participants) access to or an extract of part or all of the Data in a data format or storage medium specified by the ARA or which is accessible by the ARA and / or RIW Participants.
Per Hour $130+GST Fee Payable: For access requests where > 3 hours effort is required to supply the required access, per request for three or more requests per month, a charge of $130 per hour will apply. Fees will be payable within 30 days of the date of the invoice.

Fee Not Payable: No charge will be payable where < 3 hours effort is required to supply the required access. per request up to a maximum of three requests per month.

Exemptions: Contractual clauses associated with rights to access, modify, or disclose data.
8. Travel (charged at cost) As incurred At Cost Fee Payable: Full travel costs.

Exemptions: At MTA’s discretion.
9. Expedited processing of medical and/or Drug and Alcohol Assessment Per cardholder $55+GST Fee Payable: At time of transaction.
10. Escalation of verification of competency and medical upload within 8 business hours Per cardholder $55+GST Fee Payable: At time of transaction.
Induction Management Services
11. Development of E-Learning packages which are SCORM compliant:

– We are able to develop E-Learning packages in accordance with a competency management system that supports SCORN 1.2 or 2004 (all editions) and which are based on the requirements of ARA Members. These packages can include online inductions, information awareness sessions, safety briefings and a variety of other courses, and can align to the corporate branding requirements of the ARA Members’ organisation

– Upload existing course
Per Course

Upload Compliant per course
$15K to $35K+GST

Fee Payable: Via online payment portal or other arrangement (i.e. a purchase order) at the time of request, or as otherwise agreed by the Requestor and MTA.

Fee varies dependant on course duration.
12. Training Course / Material Updates

– Changes to material are based on an hourly rate. A quote will be provided prior to changes being made or approved.
Per Hour $160+GST Fee Payable: As agreed to between MTA and the Requestor. Fees will be payable within 30 days of the date of the invoice.
13. Registration into Online Inductions includes:

– Registration into online learning modules relevant to role.

– Completion of online learning module by contractor including assessment.

– Update of competency in database relevant to training event.
Per person per induction $10+GST Fee Payable: At time of registration for the course via online payment, or via purchase order as agreed to with MTA and the Requestor.
14. Other Service Catalogue Items Other Service Catalogue Items as identified on the RIW website.

RIW Program Technology and Service Partners

Metro Trains Australia

Metro Trains Australia (MTA) is a consortium of rail and construction businesses with unrivalled credentials. The MTA team draws on the strengths and experience of three leading rail industry organisations: Hong Kong’s MTR Corporation, Australia’s John Holland Group and UGL Rail, a division of United Group Limited.

MTA proudly delivers the Rail Industry Worker (RIW) Program for Australian rail industry workers on behalf of the ARA, effective 28 June 2019.

For more information, visit

Reference Point Limited

Reference Point, the UK’s market-leading competency management technology provider, are the lead software solutions partner supporting the delivery of The Rail Industry Worker program on behalf of the Australasian Railway Association.

The solution – based on our proven market-leading SkillGuard technology – provides a single, central source of information that securely stores, records and surfaces all relevant worker information and is designed to uniquely identify and check the credentials held on a worker’s smartcard. This includes: skills, qualifications, job roles and a wide range of additional information. This in turn confirms the worker’s ability to safely perform specific tasks and roles on the national rail infrastructure, assuring full authority to work at all times. The system also provides virtual smartcards that work alongside the physical version to provide maximum flexibility and resilience, as well as MyRIW, enabling individual worker to access and help maintain their own record.

Reference Point clients include:

In Rail: Network Rail (with a workforce of approximately 130,000), Transport for London (including London Underground and Docklands Light Railway) and HS2 (the UK’s new high-speed railway system).

Other clients in related sectors include: Highways England (responsible for construction and maintenance on the UK’s motorways and trunk roads), Thames Water (the UK’s largest utility company serving 15 million customers) and the CSCS smartcard scheme (covering over 2.5 million construction workers).

Reference Point are committed to continuous product development and innovation combined with an exceptional reputation for service delivery, quality, reliability and customer satisfaction.

Reference Point: Future Thinking.

OracleCMS is a 100% Australian owned and managed organisation, passionate about the delivery of exemplary customer service solutions and use of intelligent technology.

OracleCMS has over 16 years’ experience in dealing with a multitude of clients including being the preferred supplier for local government services across Australia, forming close long-term partnerships with government bodies and private enterprises.

In addition to this, OracleCMS also provide services to industry leaders in various market sectors, such as Mining, Automotive, Healthcare and Insurance, Retail and eCommerce, Telecommunications, Transport and Logistics, Facilities Management, Tourism and Travel, FMCG (Fast-moving consumer products), and a myriad of other ASX 200 companies.

OracleCMS has become one of Australia’s leading outsourcing providers; we service hundreds of companies across multiple industry sectors. We are a trusted, award winning brand for Customer Management Solutions and we envelop an array of platforms for organisations. We provide our clients with the most suitable solutions:

  • Contact Centre 
  • AI Workflow Chat Bots 
  • Back Office 
  • Consulting 
  • Big Data 
  • Software 
  • Web Development 
  • Voice 
  • Telephony 
  • Multi Tenancy 
  • Scalable 
  • Fully Blended contact centre solutions

OracleCMS is committed to working closely with MTA in ensuring a seamless transition of services and a positive experience for all users. 


Who we are

Kineo provides learning and technology solutions for enterprise-level businesses. As a wholly owned company within the City & Guilds Group, one of the world’s largest learning and credentialing organizations, we work with training providers in over 80 countries. Founded in 1878, City & Guilds has a long history of delivering the vocational training and credentialing technology that defines the industry.

With offices in Adelaide, Auckland, Melbourne, Sydney, and Wellington, Kineo is a trusted learning partner to some of the region’s most prominent organisations. Our local team of over 140 staff is supported by an additional 300 Kineo staff across the UK, US, South Africa, Sweden, and Latin America.

Our history

Kineo is a unification of leading workforce training providers in the region. e3Learning was established in 2001 and gained a reputation in Australia as experts in compliance training. Kineo was founded in 2005, with expertise in content development. In 2012 the City & Guilds Group acquired Kineo, followed by e3Learning in 2016. These strategic acquisitions enabled the C&G Group to provide a comprehensive suite of solutions to modern challenges faced in enterprise workforce development.

Kineo capability

We provide eLearning, mobile learning, blended learning, social learning, learning technologies, and other work-based learning and assessment solutions using the latest and most effective tools. A strong capability in implementing and customising the learning technology platforms.

With 350 digital learning courses ready to use right away with the systems you already use, on boarding a new employee is simple, building new skills is affordable and helping you to change workplace behaviour is measurable.

Bespoke content designed specifically for you – either way our multimedia eLearning content delivers a great user experience and leads to measurable results. Whether it’s an eLearning course, video, curated resources or a blend, we’ll work with you to find the right solution.

Make your learning platforms the cornerstone of your L&D strategy. Whether you need a learning management system, a workforce management solution or a social learning platform, we’ll build it to match your requirements – and help you launch it.

Our online compliance and workforce management system enables you to select, engage and authorise your entire workforce, including contractors, suppliers, employees and volunteers.


Veritas has more than 14 years of proven experience in the area of developing innovative background checking solutions. As an established and leading provider of identity verification services in the maritime, offshore and aviation sectors, the company is pleased to extend its innovative technology into the rail industry.

Through the development of online and mobile identity solutions, Veritas streamlines traditional paper-based security vetting processes. The net results are efficient and convenient solutions that improve productivity, compliance, and security outcomes for its clients.

As an Australian owned and based technology provider, Veritas is proud to be a part of this consortium of service providers committed to protecting and enhancing the safety of Australia’s Rail network.

For more information, visit


Placard is a SME organisation and has been in existence since 1987 employing 164 staff and currently produces in excess of 90 million cards per annum.

Placard holds a leading position across a diverse range of card markets including identification and licences, financial services, healthcare and transport. Placard provides a one-stop-shop in card production offering card design, manufacture, personalisation, fulfilment and collateral supply.

Today, the company operates as the largest Australian-based production facility that is accredited by all four major payment schemes. Placard also has a high secure Visa & MasterCard personalisation facility in Auckland.

Placard’s strategy has been to build on the current foundations of its local service and supply with global partnerships, continuous improvement programs and capital expenditure in equipment and technology. Our vision is to deliver value to our stakeholders and enhance our customers’ experience.

Placard’s business model enables us to offer competitive pricing with a high standard of service and quality. Placard’s vision is “to be the best value for money card Manufacturer and Personalisation Company in Australia and New Zealand”. We believe that keeping our purpose simple and direct translates well throughout our company as a whole and ensures that staff from management to operator level is across our vision that the entire organisation strives for.

Newsletter 7

Employer Administrator Update #7

The Rail Industry Worker Program (RIW) provides a national competency framework for rail workers across Australia. The RIW Program is owned the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) and powered by new service provider Metro Trains Australia.

The Rail Industry Worker (RIW) Program transitioned to new service provider Metro Trains Australia (MTA) on 28 June 2019. New RIW cards were issued and a new system was launched. RIW participating Network Operators are:

From 1 October 2019 the NSW Transport Cluster will soon join other states in using the new cards and system, excluding two specific sites which will remain with Pegasus (details below).

All work carried out on the above participating rail networks will be managed through the new RIW cards and system.  Where the rail environment interfaces with civil construction, you can confirm competency and site access requirements with the relevant Network Operator or Contractor-In-Charge. You can also find a list of projects where the new RIW card is required at  

It is very important that every worker uses the right card for the right project, ensuring that competencies are managed appropriately in the right system. Remember that the majority of work on rail interfaces moving forward will require the new RIW card issued by Metro Trains Australia.

IMPORTANT! Some employers may still receive payment reminder emails from the previous service provider Pegasus.  Please consider whether your company has any requirement to use the Pegasus Rail Safety Worker (RSW) card, as all the networks listed above and the majority of associated projects will require workers to use the Rail Industry Worker (RIW) card. MTA are unable to honor payments made to Pegasus after 28 June 2019, so please ensure you pay your RIW worker subscriptions in the RIW system.

TfNSW transition from Pegasus to MTA

This week, TfNSW and MTA finalised and executed the contract for transition, which is effective from 1 October 2019. TfNSW Managers and Principal Contractors will work together to organise the roll out, which will take place on a site by site basis. All sites, except for Sydney Metro Central Station Mainworks and Sydney Siding and Junction Project, will transition to the new system by 13 December 2019.

You can access updates about TfNSW’s transition on the RIW website at

During the transition period, TfNSW managers, employees and contractors working on behalf of TfNSW must always ensure they know the Principal Contractor’s access requirements before trying to access a site (i.e. whether the site is using the Pegasus card or has transferred to the RIW system). If in doubt, please carry both the Pegasus and new RIW card until the end of 2019. 

Companies who work in the NSW Transport Cluster can access a range of tools to assist them through transition. The RIW Communications Toolkit features materials that can be downloaded by industry seeking to communicate the key benefits of the transition, new system functionality and the tasks involved in preparing for transition. Our System Training and Support page includes system video walkthroughs, how-to videos and Quick Guides for self-paced learning at a time suitable to you.  Read on for more details about online system training we’ll be delivering soon.  
Rail Industry Worker System Online Training

MTA will be holding a number of online training webinars to assist Employer Administrators with understanding the key functions of the new RIW system.  Please register your interest to attend a session here.

Thursday 3 October 2019, 12 noon AEST
System overview, where to find help, system updates and changes, finding workers and checking details, paying company subscriptions, Q&A.

Thursday 10 October 2019, 12 noon AEST
Ordering cards, reporting, blocks and suspensions, the RIW and Vircarda App, Q&A.

Thursday 17 October 2019, 12 noon AEST
Adding job roles and competencies, verification process, uploading evidence, Q&A.

Thursday 24 October 2019, 12 noon AEST
Creation of projects and sites, setting up sites, scheduling site based competencies, visitor passes, e-learning, work restrictions, Q&A.

The sessions will be recorded and made available on the Training Resources page for those who are unable to make it.
To find out more information about the Rail Industry Worker Program visit
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy – RIW Program

Metro Trains Australia Pty Ltd (“MTA”, “we”,”our” or “us”) ACN 614 061 960 is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals.

The protection of personal information in the private sector is required by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and, where applicable, State and Territory privacy laws (collectively the “Privacy Laws“) and we are bound to comply with these Privacy Laws as they apply to our business. All of our employees and officers are expected to comply with the Privacy Laws and our policies and procedures concerning the protection of personal information.

As used in this policy, the following definitions apply:

  • “Personal Information” means information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database and whether or not recorded in a material form) about an individual whose identity is apparent or who is reasonably identifiable; and
  • “RIW Participant” means rail operators and other organisations that are authorised participants in the RIW Program.

This policy deals with our management of personal information for the purposes of the Rail Industry Worker Program (RIW Program).  The RIW Program provides an online competency and safety management system for Australian rail workers. It is owned and endorsed by the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) and operated by MTA.

For details of how we manage personal information for other aspects of our business, please see our general Privacy Policy on the MTA website.

This policy is based on the following principles:

  • Privacy of Personal Information is of paramount importance to us;
  • We will only use your Personal Information for purposes for which it was collected as set out in this policy; and
  • Your Personal Information will not be disclosed, other than in accordance with this policy without your permission or in accordance with the Privacy Laws.

What Personal Information do we collect?

For the RIW Program we may collect your name, gender, photo, date of birth, address, contact details, identification information (e.g. signatures, driver’s licence), health information (e.g. fitness for work assessments, medical records, and results of drug and alcohol tests), competency information (e.g. skills, credentials, registrations and qualifications), right to work details (e.g. visas and passports), work roles, site attendance timestamps, employment history, emergency contact and other personal information as required for the RIW Program.

How do we collect Personal Information?

MTA will collect information for the RIW Program when it is entered onto the RIW System by an authorised user.  This may include information entered by you, your employer, an authorised health professional, registered training organisation, by one of our service team members on the instructions of an authorised user, by an authorised user where you are visiting that authorised user’s site, or by an automated Blood Alcohol Concentration Testing Unit integrated with the RIW System. We have also collected relevant personal information that was originally held by the previous operator of the RIW System, where that information is required for operation of the RIW Program.  If you used the RIW System before 28 June 2019, then your information may be stored in the RIW System and will continue to be treated in accordance with the Permission Access Agreement (PAA), this policy and the Privacy Laws until it is deleted under our data retention policies.

If you provide us with the Personal Information of another person, including a visitor you have registered on the RIW System, we rely on you to inform that person and obtain their consent for the disclosure by you to us of their Personal Information.

Before creating an account for a new Rail Industry Worker (RIW) on the RIW System, each authorised user of the RIW System must ensure that the RIW has accepted the terms of a PAA prescribed by MTA.  The PAA sets out further detail about the operation of the RIW Program. 

The terms of the Permission Access Agreement can be viewed here:  Each authorised user of the RIW System must maintain a separate policy that sets out their approach to the management of Personal Information that they collect and enter into the RIW System.  If you have any queries about the management of your Personal Information by an authorised user of the RIW System, please consult their relevant privacy policy.

We may, on behalf of RIW Participants, also conduct surveys through the RIW System and on the RIW website and associated mobile applications to collect certain social and diversity data (e.g. data about your gender, age, date of birth, whether you are currently completing an apprenticeship or traineeship, whether or not you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or were born overseas) as required for those RIW Participants to comply with workforce participation and diversity reporting requirements imposed by various government agencies.

Why do we collect and how do we use Personal Information

We collect and use Personal Information in order to manage and provide services in relation to the RIW Program. These purposes are set out in more detail in the PAA.

We will only disclose Personal Information that we collect for the RIW Program to:

  • The Australasian Railway Association;
  • RIW Participants may access the RIW System to search for RIWs, check and update RIWs details, and access additional details about RIWs who they employ or are otherwise associated with.  Where you are employed or associated with an RIW Participant on the RIW System, you will be notified and provided with an opportunity to opt out of sharing of this information with the RIW Participant.  The opt out notice will be sent to your email address registered in the RIW System.  The principal contractor who is responsible for a worksite that you attend will also have access to your information stored on the RIW System;
  • Our contractors, agents and advisors helping us to manage and provide services in relation to the Rail Industry Worker Program;
  • Authorised health professionals;
  • Other entities as required or permitted by law, including rail safety, work/occupational health and safety and other relevant laws and to comply with workforce participation and diversity reporting requirements;
  • Other entities that are used by RIW Participants to verify competencies for pre-qualification of suppliers and workforce management;
  • Network operators for the purpose of reviewing RIWs who hold a rail corridor access job role for the network operator.

Personal Information will only be disclosed to these entities to the extent that those entities are entitled to access that information under the RIW Program.  Such Personal Information may be shared directly through the RIW System or by another technical method, such as via a Secure File Transfer Protocol or via an API link that integrates with the RIW System.

Retention and Disposal of Information

We only keep Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We will destroy such information or de-identify that information once sufficient time has elapsed to be certain that the information will no longer be required for those purposes for which it may be used under this Policy.  We have in place data retention policies that govern the period of time we will retain personal information, and when that information may be destroyed or de-identified.

Sending Personal Information Overseas

We may disclose your Personal Information to third party service providers overseas, including in the UK and some other countries (for overseas identification verification services and limited support purposes) where they are not subject to similar laws to the Privacy Laws that apply in Australia. However, where your Personal Information is disclosed to our third party service providers who are located overseas, we will also take reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Information is handled by the overseas recipient in accordance with the Privacy Laws and our instructions for the purposes described above. By providing MTA with your Personal Information or by being a user of or applicant for the RIW Program you consent to this disclosure of your Personal Information.

Email Security

Any email you send to us and information you submit through our websites may be scanned for IT security purposes.

RIW Website

When visiting the web site for the RIW Program, the site server makes a record of the visit and logs the following information for statistical and administrative purposes:

  • The user’s I.P. address – to consider the users who use the site regularly and tailor the site to their interests and requirements;
  • The date and time of the visit to the site – this is important for identifying the website’s busy times and ensuring maintenance on the site is conducted outside these periods;
  • Pages accessed and documents downloaded – this indicates to MTA which pages or documents are most important to users and also helps identify important information that may be difficult to find;
  • Duration of the visit – this indicates to us how interesting and informative the site is to our customers;
  • The type of browser used – this is important for browser specific coding;
  • In order to optimize the web site and better understand it’s usage, we collect the visiting domain name or IP address, Computer Operating System, Browser Type and Screen Resolution;
  • For authorised users of the RIW System accessing and using the RIW System by means of a login and password, all data access and data update activities are logged for audit purposes.

A cookie is a piece of information that an Internet web site sends to your browser when you access information at that site. Cookies are either session cookies or persistent cookies. Upon closing your browser the session cookie set by this web site is destroyed and no Personal Information is maintained which might identify you should you visit our web site at a later date.  Persistent cookies may be retained across different browser sessions for this web site.

Security of Information

You should be aware that the internet is not a secure environment and information sent via the internet (including via email) may be intercepted by a third party. We use reasonable efforts to ensure that any Personal Information collected by us is held securely.

We strive to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of information we collect. MTA has established reasonable security measures to protect your Personal Information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure in contravention of this Policy. Our employees, contractors, agents and service providers who provide services related to our information systems, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any Personal Information held by us. We review and update our security measures in light of current technologies.

You can access and update your Personal Information

Subject to certain exemptions provided for under the Privacy Laws, you have a right to access Personal Information we hold about you. We will also take reasonable steps to keep accurate and up to date any Personal Information which we hold about you. If you believe that the Personal Information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or no longer relevant please notify us via the contact details set out below.

If you would like to seek access to Personal Information that MTA may have about you or update that information then please contact the MTA Service Desk in the first instance or write to MTA’s Privacy Officer via the details set out below.

Questions and complaints

MTA is committed to providing its customers with a fair and responsible system for the handling and resolution of privacy related complaints. If you have any questions about this Policy or believe that we have at any time failed to keep one of our commitments to you to handle your Personal Information in the manner required by the Privacy Laws, then we ask that you contact us immediately in writing using the contact details provided below.

We will respond and advise whether we agree with your complaint or not.  If we do not agree, we will provide reasons. If we do agree, we will advise what (if any) action we consider it appropriate to take in response. If you are still not satisfied after having contacted us and given us a reasonable time to respond, then we suggest that you contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner by:

Phone: 1300 363 992 (local call cost, but calls from mobile and pay phones may incur higher charges). If calling from overseas (including Norfolk Island): +61 2 9284 9749

TTY: 1800 620 241 (this number is dedicated to the hearing impaired only, no voice calls)

TIS: Translating and Interpreting Service: 1 31 450 (If you don’t speak English or English is your second language and you need assistance and ask for the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner)

Post: GPO Box 2999 Canberra ACT 2601

Fax: +61 2 9284 9666


Changes to this Privacy Policy

This statement sets out our current Privacy Policy for the RIW Program. This policy may change from time to time. The current version of the policy is available from . The current version of our Privacy Policy replaces all previous versions of the policy.

Contact us for further information regarding our Privacy Policy

If you require further information about how we handle Personal Information or any privacy issues please contact our office on (03) 9610 2400 or write to our Privacy Officer at the address below.

Our Contact Details:

Catherine Speers
Privacy Officer
Metro Trains Australia Pty Ltd
GPO Box 1880
Melbourne VIC 3001

Raymond O’Flaherty
Executive Officer

Updated April 2023


ARTC – eTAP TOAS in ARTC TMACS Train Order Territory








eTAP TOAS in ARTC TMACS Train Order Territory

**Upgrade to the TMACS Train Control System **


ARTC is undertaking an upgrade to the TMACS Train Control System in Network Control Centre South (NCCS) which manages the territory of Stockinbingal to Broken Hill via Goobang Junction.


This upgrade will allow Protection Officers working in this territory to request TOAs from NCCS to be issued to them via the eTAP app. The upgrade is planned to be available from 27 October 2021. 


Please email for detailed information relating to the eTAP change.


Also, please note that changes to ARTC’s NSW Network Rules & Procedures will be implemented on the 27 October 2021.  Below is a guide to the various courses that are available, including the requirements where multiples competencies (roles) are held.




To access the ARTC online training site please visit


Completion of the training and certificate upload to RIW is required prior to 27th October 2021 to maintain your competencies.


Network Operator Updates

Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC)

Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM)

Queensland Rail (QR)